Members receive the quarterly newsletter, a 10% discount off merchandise, and priority reservations at special events and field trips.  You can become a member by completing the form below.  Once you have completed the form, you will be taken to a payment page where you may pay by PayPal or Credit Card via PayPal.  Please write down the amount you are to pay prior to submitting the form as you will have to enter the total amount on the payment page.  Thank you.

* Membership Type: New Renewal
* Name(s):
Kids Name(s) & Age(s):
Address (line 1):
Address (line 2):
Zip Code:
* E-mail:
* Phone:

* Choose Membership:

Total Price: $0

Your Preferences:
I will receive my quarterly newsletter online and save the chapter printing and postage costs.
I would like to know more about volunteer opportunities, or want to become a volunteer.
You will automatically receive Desert Rivers announcements unless you opt out by checking this box.

What is the difference between  Desert Rivers and National Audubon membership?

National Audubon and chapters are separate entities.  All dues and gifts to Desert Rivers are used in local education, conservation, and event programs.  You can be a member of Desert Rivers AS and also be a member of National Audubon at the same time, or become a "DRAS" member without joining National Audubon, or even be a member of more than one Audubon chapter at the same time.